With Not Just®
54g Protein
1010 Nutrient Packed Calories
1010 Nutrient Packed Calories
With Added:
Branched Chain Amino Acids 2:1:1 Ratio
Digestive Enzyme Blend5 Types of Probiotics
millions of live probiotic cultures
How quickly do you want to gain weight? The answer to that question will determine how many calories your daily shake should contain.
Consuming about 500 extra calories per day will let you gain a pound per week. As you gain weight, it’s healthiest to put on lean muscle mass, opposed to just body fat. Drinking protein shakes can help you do that.
To develop the muscle, you will need to strength train regularly because strength training does not burn many calories. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends doing strength workouts two or three times per week.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.